
How to Create the Ultimate Sensory Bin

As a preschool teacher, I invite my students to participate in sensory play every single day. As a mom, I try to integrate it at home as well. There are many benefits to sensory play and you may be doing it without even knowing it.

Playing in the water, dirt, or even baking or playing with toys in your home can be considered sensory play. Your child relies on his or her senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound) to learn new things.

For Moms

The Benefits of Using Sign Language with your Baby or Toddler

Have you ever been at a loss about what your toddler wants, where they are hurt, or why they are having a tantrum?

Chances are, your answer is yes. It is almost impossible to tell what your child wants, needs, or feels if they are unable to communicate with you.

Implementing sign language on a consistent basis can help your child learn how to communicate before they are able to talk.


How to Support Your Husband as a New Dad

Okay mamas! You have done the hardest job of all.

You delivered a precious baby after carrying for 10 whole months. You’ve endured morning sickness, night sweats, and heartburn.

You haven’t had a good night’s sleep, a shower, or a good meal in DAYS! You have put all of your energy into taking care of this brand new baby.


How to Support Your Wife as a New Mom


It seemed so easy, until I became a mom.

I walked into the hospital with grand ideas about what motherhood would be like, but when I came out (with my new baby), it was like everything had shifted. I was no longer the same person. It was like I had to learn how to be me again, but in a different way.

For Moms

Thank You’s – 5 Tips on Getting Thank You Notes Done in a Timely Manner

Are you horrible at writing thank you cards when you receive a gift?

Do you agonize over the act of writing thank you cards until you finally decide it is too late to send them?

As a new mom, you are sure to receive many gifts, meals, or acts of service. In my opinion, thank you cards are a must. They are a classy way to show you appreciate what someone has done for you or given to you.