When I found out I was pregnant with my third son, my other two boys were newly one and two years old.
We would get ALL the comments, “You sure have your hands full.”
“Do you know how a baby is made?”
“Was this baby planned?”
Hello, I’m Lauren! Wife. Mama to 3 boys. Cooking enthusiast. Simple seeker. Half crazy. All busy. My interests are most definitely (my least favorite word to type is definitely) cooking, minimizing, and simple living. I enjoy a good adventure, being active (running) and love to strap on the old tennis shoes and get back out on the tennis court. My days include waking up at ungodly hours to feed someone, change a diaper, or fold laundry. I cook breakfast half asleep (most days) and blend my kids morning smoothies in a hurry. Sweeping, wiping, cleaning, brushing, and maintaining sanity are in the forefront of my mind currently! I wouldn’t change it for ANYTHING. Check out my site and follow me on Pinterest.
When I found out I was pregnant with my third son, my other two boys were newly one and two years old.
We would get ALL the comments, “You sure have your hands full.”
“Do you know how a baby is made?”
“Was this baby planned?”