I jumped out of the shower yesterday to grab my towel off of the rack and I was a little…ahem…bouncy.
I’ve got some serious stretch marks, and there isn’t anything that shea butter lotion, HOURS of running and a thousand crunches can do to help me.
My name is Nicole of Bitter Sweet Beans! I am a wife, a mom to Irish Twins, an aspiring minimalist, and an employee of Habitat for Humanity. A few of my favorite things are coffee, blogging, and florals!
I jumped out of the shower yesterday to grab my towel off of the rack and I was a little…ahem…bouncy.
I’ve got some serious stretch marks, and there isn’t anything that shea butter lotion, HOURS of running and a thousand crunches can do to help me.
We remember it all too well.
The way your husband looked at you whenever you gave birth to that beautiful baby.