I don’t know about you, but trying to get my kid to eat vegetables is like pulling teeth!
I know it is probably not the biggest deal if they don’t eat a ton of vegetables.
I don’t know about you, but trying to get my kid to eat vegetables is like pulling teeth!
I know it is probably not the biggest deal if they don’t eat a ton of vegetables.
We’ve all heard the saying, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
Meaning you have to take care of yourself before you try to take care of anyone else.
As parents most of us know that sometimes you have to find a way to pour from an empty cup.
Laundry is going to be the death of me.
Okay, so that might be a little bit dramatic, and very much a first world problem.
But, I know some of you other moms can relate with me on this! I hope I’m not alone in this!
If you have toddlers, chances are you’ve wondered how to keep your house clean.
I know the feeling. You set out to clean the whole house top to bottom while the kids occupy themselves.
While In reality, as you clean, your kids are pulling things out of cabinets, drawers, and tubs until you can’t see the floor anymore.
My day consists of working full time as a preschool teacher but it doesn’t stop there.
I am also a wife, a mom of two, and a new blogger.
Not to mention I try to live a healthy lifestyle which can also be time consuming.
Have you ever been at a loss about what your toddler wants, where they are hurt, or why they are having a tantrum?
Chances are, your answer is yes. It is almost impossible to tell what your child wants, needs, or feels if they are unable to communicate with you.
Implementing sign language on a consistent basis can help your child learn how to communicate before they are able to talk.
Are you horrible at writing thank you cards when you receive a gift?
Do you agonize over the act of writing thank you cards until you finally decide it is too late to send them?
As a new mom, you are sure to receive many gifts, meals, or acts of service. In my opinion, thank you cards are a must. They are a classy way to show you appreciate what someone has done for you or given to you.
That dreadful feeling you have every time you aren’t with your child?
It has a name. Mom Guilt.
Some moms experience mom guilt at higher levels than others or for different reasons.