Category: For Moms

Tips to Overcome The Struggle During Holidays (Without Family)

With our world ever-changing from the technological advancements, moving away from family is just a normal part of our culture.

As a mom with little ones, this can be a struggle during the holidays.

What happens if your family lives in another state or another country? How do you stay truly connected in spite of Skype of Face Time?

With the holidays coming, the thought of not sitting next to your father or sharing a hug with your sister may seem sad.

8 Ways to Discipline Your Kids Without Yelling

Let me guess mama: you find yourself yelling at your kids whenever they get mischievous.

It was not your intention to shout, but it happened so quickly, and you found yourself going tirade.

I’ve been there, and I know how it feels after yelling at your kids whenever they are on the wrong.

We all love our children dearly, and we all want the best for them, including instilling good manners in them.

Disciplining a baby is one of the hardest parts of raising kids.

5 Practical Tips for Surviving Mom Chaos

Do you sometimes feel totally overwhelmed by the chaos of your life?

I could hazard a guess that most moms do at times and I’m also sure it has nothing to do with what kind of mom you are.

Having twins is stressful but so is having one child who demands all your attention all of the time. Same goes for having a home-schooled child versus a child in school.

Spending all that time with your kids can be exhausting but so are school runs, packed lunches and looooooonnngg summers!

So we’re all in the same boat.

The 10 Best Ways For Moms To Cope With Stress

Motherhood is bliss. It is amazing. Being a mother is the most precious gift.

Motherhood is also the most time-consuming, demanding and important job anyone in the world will ever have. Being a mom is also quite possibly the reason for those brief moments of insanity.

The family and children you love more than anything can also be the root cause of losing your mind on any given day.

10 Ways to Involve Dad-to-be in the Pregnancy

Having a bun in the oven can be one of the most exciting periods of your life.

You are often showered with love and presents for the majority of this time.

That is great and you should enjoy it as much as you can, but that can sometimes result in the dad-to-be feeling left out and neglected.

Here are ten ways how you can involve him during every step of the pregnancy.

4 Tips for Raising a Strong-willed Child

You know those kids that never stop going?

They seem like they have an unlimited amount of energy at their disposal, and getting them to slow down for just one friggin’ minute is impossible?

That’s my daughter.

From the day my daughter was born, there has been nothing “easy” about her.

If we somehow were magically able to swaddle her, she’d break out of it in record time.