
Understanding How to Raise Your Boy with ADHD in 2022

Until the term ADHD came into our lives, I don’t know how many times my son’s disruptive behavior was chalked up to that overused phrase, “boys will be boys.”

My son’s behavior seemed to be stuck on hyperdrive all the time.

Keeping him from doing and saying certain things became a full-time job.

After being kicked out of two daycares by the time he was three, I was convinced he had ADHD.

How did I arrive at this diagnosis? I saw the same behavior with my daughter – who’s also ADHD.

Despite the mental eye-rolls from his pediatrician, I took my son to a specialist for testing.

The exhaustion on the child psychologist’s face confirms my suspicions.

My Son has ADHD and Our Lives Would Change Forever

First, there was anger, next, there was why me? And then, there was not AGAIN.

I’m not sure why God would make me repeat the test when I failed miserably the first time.

Memories of my daughter’s ADHD made me ask God for an easier kid during my pregnancy.

My daughter’s ADHD was challenging.

She was talkative, lacked focus, and was plagued with serious impulse control issues. Fifteen years ago, you could get medication easily with a proper diagnosis.

Unfortunately, it’s 2022 and times changed – and they changed for the worse.

Doctors are reluctant to prescribe medication for children under five.

The education system has limited resources to help children like my son. And please don’t get me started on insurance companies.

As Uncle Ben from Spiderman quotes, “With great power, comes great responsibility.”

The old methods I used to parent weren’t going to cut it. I had to forget everything I knew about my earlier experience with ADHD.

New Expectations

I couldn’t expect the medication to fix his ADHD.

I couldn’t expect counseling or the school to help him either. And if I’m being honest, I couldn’t expect my husband to understand either.

No expectation became the new expectation.

Let me explain what I mean.

I couldn’t expect the medication to fix his ADHD. There are so many medications on the market claiming to do one thing or another. A lot of them come with scary side effects.

Until recently, I didn’t know DNA plays a role in developing ADHD.

I ordered a gene testing kit from Kailos to determine which meds work the best. I suspected his current medication wasn’t helping and I tried to explain it to his pediatric neurologist earlier, but he wasn’t hearing me.

I can’t wait to see the look on his face at our next visit when I show him the test results.

Denial Just Ain’t a River in Egypt

Taking him to a counselor helped, but in the middle of the sessions, his counselor informed me he couldn’t work with him anymore because our insurance wouldn’t pay for it.

This was after the bill reached six hundred dollars.

My husband was in denial at first, but even when faced with reality, the responsibility of managing our son’s ADHD is solely on my lap. Having a child with any special need is tough on relationships. It’s the elephant in the room in our house.

The ABC’s of ADHD

After attending a Pre-K program and attending 504 meetings, my son transitioned to kindergarten.

My expectation was I could relax because they’re trained to help him. While he was in daycare, my husband and I were called every day to come pick him up.

I unenrolled him and we did homeschool one month after school started.

My six-year-old was charged with bullying after pushing another student. The principal and vice-principal did nothing except warn me that I may be confronted by the other parents.

I’ve since licked my wounds, but I’m still on the fence about sending him back.

We moved to another school district that seems promising, but I’m scared he’ll be labeled as “that little boy with ADHD” again.

I hate he’s missing out on making friends and other important personal milestones, but my trust has been shattered.

Going Forward

I recently found a blog post with advice on how to handle difficult children. Even though I have my own blog that deals with ADHD, I’m always open to learning more because I know I don’t have all the answers.

My biggest consolation is knowing I’m not alone.

My greatest advice is embrace and accept who your children are and not what you want them to be. It helps on the tough days.

Before I started writing this post, my son had a meltdown over a math lesson.

I didn’t scream, I didn’t threaten, and I didn’t take away privileges. I know it came from frustration from the both of us.

Math is my worst subject and learning new things is tough for him because of his ADHD.

I went to my happy place and he went to his calm down corner. This is what we do when life gets hard; if he was in school, I would have received a phone call by now to come get him.

If Your Child Also Has Autism

Having two diagnoses or co-occurances is difficult to face as a mom and educator. To help you with understanding how to help children with autism, please read our post, 1o Ways to Find Peace & Create Happiness With Your Child With Autism.

It was beautifully written by a person who works with children with autism and there is an expert by the blog owner, Elna Cain, as she was an ABA therapist for children with autism before she had her twins and became a blogger.  


His ADHD diagnosis shattered the saying that boys will be boys as nonsense. Because his problems can’t be fixed with ice cream or a new toy, I must be his advocate and provide a safe space when his disability gets the best of him.

As far as returning him to public school, I will do it when he’s ready. After his outburst today, I think we will wait another year or I may visit a homeschool co-op instead.

In a co-op, he can be around kids his own age without the pressure of trying to fit into some ridiculous mold. I will continue to seek support, better medication, and better doctors when I have the resources. Right now, I want to use my strength to be his mom.

Do you have a child with ADHD? How are you doing Mom, we’d love to hear about it!

Bonnie Harris Price is a professional proofreader, blogger, and author of I Took My ADHD to the Dentist available on Amazon. This over-the-moon happy mom and grandmother of one and a half humans loves Netflix and Sangria, preferably at the same time. Bonnie is studying wholesale real estate and working on a second children's book. You can learn more about her and her son Keith at ADHD Homeschooled.

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This is encouraging my son who is 10 has adhd and he is labeled at school for being this. It is hard on him I no and I try to help and encourage himReply to Casey
Thank you for this well written and honest post. We have been going through the motions with our 6yr old, since kindergarten. But noticed the change in behavior as he entered Gr.1 phone calls, texts, emails and parent teacher meetings, everyday or at least once week. Dec 2022, finally got all paperwork done and Dr appt. May 2023, finally diagnosed and moving in the right direction. It’s hard, it frustrating and I’m trying desperately everyday to remember all the tools I’m learning.Reply to Gayle
This speaks to me on so many levels! Especially with my hubby not understanding and its solely on my shoulders. I’m at the beginning with my son but I have already dealt with it with my daughter. Both very different both very hard.Reply to Holli
I’m late to your post but thanks for writing it. My ODS was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety at age 5 in kindergarten. Before diagnosis he was kicked out of two preschools, a bunch of summer camps (that were thrown together last minute including some while he was still 4 since the 2nd preschool waited until May and they were also supposed to go through summer and be his kindergarten). He’s doing much better now in 2nd grade and in public school with an IEP that I had to fight hard originally to get. But even now I’m dealing with frustration like when he had a hard day last week and the principal told me he “chose to not problem solve for over an over” ….. yes as if a 7yo with a disability that has multiple skill deficits in certain areas is choosing to make his life harder. Got it.Reply to Another
What test do I get from Kailos to use to help get the correct meds for my son? Life is so difficult when you have a son with ADHD. Thanks for the honest article.Reply to Dana
My son has adhd and it’s truly hard . I try so many new things some work and some don’t. I would love to receive more information on dealing with adhd when it comes to my sonReply to Kendre
I babysit a seven year old little boy who has ADHD. Some days can be very trying, but I have to remind myself when he acts up he is either tired or bored and cannot vocalize this to me. We take time outs not just for punishment but a comfy chair in the corner to relax in or he takes a nap to help him relax and calm down.Reply to Rachael
Hello yes I have a 7 year old son who has ADHD and he has been homeschooled since he was in kindergarten. He is taking medication… some days are good and some days are very bad and I don’t know what to do or how to help him because he has a hard time listening to me..Reply to Angela
Came across this today and I feel so connected to it!! Our youngest son came to live with us when he was 1 year old. He was removed from his home as failure to thrive. He was the size of a six month old. He could sit but couldn’t transition to laying down, couldn’t crawl or pull himself up. We spent a lot of time in OT. He also didn’t show emotion or affection. We adopted him when he was 3. We saw a lot of improvement and we received a lot of help with services which was great. As he got older there were changes. He had anger outbursts. Changes in routines sent him into meltdowns. stopped sleeping through the night, I was having trouble with disciplining {he wouldn’t listen to me} We started developemental preschool to help with his social skills and other issues. He was kicked out of a daycare when he was 4 because of constant meltdowns that the daycare provider couldn’t deal with. We started going to a behavioral therapist and were able to make some progress and we also learned he has anxiety issues. After trying several things [aroma oils, food changes, reward charts, etc] we finally talked with another therapist and reluctantly put him on medication. We graduated from the therapist and things were a little better. Although he isn’t exactly ADHD but that is what he is being treated for because he has a big problem with impulse control. He has an IEP at school and we have great teachers and paras that all love him. We stay very involved in the school and with his teachers to help give him the best help he can get. Things have improved but we have a long way to go. Kindergarten wasn’t the best, 1st grade was a little better, 2nd grade was going good until COVID. Homeschooling was a nightmare!!! 4th grade has been a struggle. He has a problems when the work gets hard and has a few meltdowns in class. I stress about him being labled as the weird kid. He has made a couple friends but I am not comfortable letting him go to peoples houses because of the things he does. A big struggle we have is with other family members not understanding how he is or following our rules about things and then call us about things he did at their house. I don’t know if I am ready to send him to Middle school in 6th grade. Might look into a private school if we can afford it so that it’s smaller and less stress for him. Some days I just don’t even know how to deal with him and feel like I am going to loose my sanity. He is funny and is very loving to others and has a big heart. I hope things get better as he gets older! Keep hanging in there parents!!!Reply to KIm
I feel this is perfect timing on stumbling across your blog. My son was recently diagnosed with ADHD but he is 10 years old. We just put a 504 in place but we see the school is more focused on his behavior with reports and phone calls. We are truly debating homeschool because of the fear of being labeled as a troubled child. (We did get kicked out of a preschool/daycare setting and it really affected his confidence.)Reply to Stephanie
My son is 4 & has undiagnosed ADHD. I work as an occupational therapy assistant in the schools & it is both a blessing and a curse. Blessing because I have resources already ready in action & knowledge of the benefits of early intervention. Curse because of the exact same reason—- if something doesn’t work for him, I take it personally. It’s my fault he’s not succeeding. I’m a therapist for goodness sake! If any parent should know, it should be me to know what’s best for a child with ADHD. I’m struggling with the right approach for him, while simultaneously supporting our younger daughter with physical disabilities. It is not easy. My kids are tough. I know that we will figure it out, but I’m the heat of this season of life, man this mama’s burnt out.Reply to Aimee
Hey Aimee you can do it and you are doing it right…. You are the best mom your kids can get. Love you and I hope you could be easy on yourself. A man can do what he thinks is the best, rest lies in the hands of Almighty…Reply to Asma
Hello my name is Angela and I have a 6 year old son that has ASHD we found out when he was 4 but didn’t do anything about it because he was to small to take meds and I was scared to give them to him. I struggle with him every day I am a stay at home mom and I have a 3 year old girl , she doesn’t have ADHD. My so is attending a homeschool program as well because he is just all over the place, he doesn’t listen to me at all …. He is on medicine but sometimes I don’t think it’s working. I am so tired of yelling at him every day because he doesn’t listen to me.and when he has to do homework with me he fights me the whole time.. I don’t know what to do.Reply to Angela
I’m not a parent I am a probation officer and have a number of individuals who have turned to crime as a result of being treated as the ‘naughty kid’ I acknowledge as adults they have choices now. However, society still struggles to treat and support appropriately. Therefore, anything you can advise to assist to support my individuals would be appreciated.Reply to Teresa
I’m not a mom but I have been a preschool teacher for 40 years. I love my job but struggle with children with ADHD. I have never figured out how to make it work with them in a group setting. We have a child with autism in my room who has a behavioral specialist. This helps a lot but I’m sure it’s expensive. I was told insurance pays some of it. I wish you luck. I have seen parents and teachers struggling with this. There has to be an answer. Good luck.Reply to Gayle
Hi my son is now 11 years old, since he was in nursery school we have always had issues. It started with preschool, SEIT ‘s and constant negative reports from teachers. Elementary school was pretty much the same, he automatically qualified for a 1:1 para with an IEP. My son went through all of the testing and evaluations (which like some other moms mentioned, is not covered under insurance) . He as diagnosed with high functioning autism, dyslexia, ADHD and sensory integration disorder. For years we went to tons of therapy appointments, OT, PT, feeding & swallow and a psychologist. Although it helped a little Nicholas still, now in 6th grade, still struggles in school and is constantly viewed as the weird kid in class. My husband is also in denial so he offers not much support. It is heartbreaking watching your child go through life just constantly struggling. I am always looking for advice and tips….anything I can do to help him. Thank you for listening, reading everyone else posts help a lot.Reply to Annmarie
I am in tears right now reading this. I always thought I am a bad parent because I can’t seem to handle my son who is 6 years old now. He is very hyper and sometimes I feel like he makes me crazy. He can’t seem to sit down, he is like a ball rolling and bouncing all the time. I always feel lost and so as my husband. I will follow your blogs and learn from your advice and experiences as well.Reply to Aj